To see regular updates on happenings in the lab please follow us on our Instagram profile @martinlabuci! 
Celebrating Amanda’s advancement! 2022
Edward K.C. Lee Lecture 2022
We made the trip down to UC San Diego for the annual Southern California Users of Magnets (SCUM) Meeting 2019.
Posing with our glow glasses and caracatures at the Norell booth at ENC 2019.
Thank you Brooke and Isiaha for your work over summer 2018!
We hosted the 2018 SCUM Meeting and served liquid nitrogen ice cream during lunch.

Enjoying an outing to the Monterey Bay Aquarium for ENC 2017.

The Martin Lab takes Sam Woo’s for a labsgiving in 2016.
Lee Dinner 2016. Natasha was recipient of the Departmental Service Award and Domarin was honored with the Lee Award.
Natasha at the Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC) 2014.
Amanda and Catalina celebrate defending in 2012.
Will Brubaker with his power tool carved pumpkin.
Chemistry Department Lee Dinner in 2011.
Kory’s defense in 2012!
Ilya’s graduation in 2010.
Lab mascots by